Sept 2


I actually used the line
"I will rest when I am dead" today.

We did sleep in and missed
Our free breakfast...
But that's  all the rest we had!

Dressed and out to pick up
Our ocean cruise tickets (thanks dad).

We FINALLY found the ticket office
And wrangled up some info too!

Info included helicopter rides!!!
Yup! Off we went.
A quick lunch at a Sonic drive in
Where they still
Bring the tray to your car!!!!
And off to where we thought
The cruise started from...
Nope we were at the polar opposite
End of the beach.
Grrr and no chance of getting there,
I would not give in
And drove (a little fast)
We were 10 min late
The boat had not left!!!!! YAY!

Back to the docks late
Because of our late start,
And we were now running behind
To get to Medieval Times!
I would not give in
And drove (a little fast)
We were 5 min late
The show had not started!!!!! YAY!

A quick push on the GPS
Got us back to the hotel
For a chance to shower off
All the salt residue from the cruise.

I spent the rest of tonight
Posting pix,
Mom read.
We both have our feet up.

We are pooped
But a good night's sleep
Will get us off on our adventures
For tomorrow.

They include moonshine
And the lofty goal of Pigeon Forge.

Good night from Myrtle Beach


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