
October 1st 2016

Up early
repositioned Dad
replaced drinks
and all was quiet again.

The morning was a blur.
I continued cooking
and cleaning out the fridge.

We emptied the very dated
contents of the baking cupboard,
and I managed to get dad
to outside with Tinker.
Fresh air for everyone,
as I managed to get mom out
for a short time too.

Wanted to finish the desserts
I had already started
so I ran over to the store.

I managed to get all but one
recipe completed today.
Mom has a freezer
full of single meals,
and we have meals ready for the week.

I also made 2 dozen butter tarts,
and 2 trays of chocolate,
peanut butter, marshmallow squares.
Dad was very happy with his chocolate pie!

once again I am beyond exhausted.

Time to crash
Tomorrow is another day.

Good night from John Street


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