December 17th 2014

How can it already be December 17th???????
I am beyond amazed at how fast this year came and went.

My jaw dropped when I actually dropped when I seen the date today.
I spent the day watching Christmas DVD's and the evening alone included hot beef sandwiches and mashed potatoes and a little "Hot in Cleveland".

Heading to bed and a book.

Another 8 simple ideas...?

  • Have a photo of the family with Santa done
  • Instead of exchanging gifts decide to go out for lunch
  • Take your camera to parties and send the host copies with a thank you card
  • Make arrangements to donate party leftovers to a homeless shelter
  • Save the original boxes for delicate Christmas decor so they can be be packed back up securely
  • If you hide gifts or wrap early be sure to keep a list of where they are!
  • Keep up with your local news to see if you can help any family in crisis during the holidays
  • If you are taking a car trip with kids, create silly new verses for 12 days of Christmas
Good night


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