February 4th 2019

Rotten night's sleep.
John was not any help last night
In getting any sleep either.
He came up LATE
And poked me and said "hey!"

I told him to shut up
And I rolled over.
Then it was a game to him.

He also spent the entire night
Tossing, turning and kicking.

Ok, enough.
I am up and my whole plan today
Is Disney!!!!!!!!
As I have 2 buffet tables at my disposal
From yesterday's play day,
I am going to pull out and organize
(finally) all my Disney paper
and embellishments and and and.

The added table space will
Definitely speed up this process.

Later I have been invited
To a mini Christmas party at McDonalds.

Right now though,
Some muscle relaxors, comfy clothes
And breakfast!

Good morning from John Street


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