February 3rd 2019

Happy Sunday.
(even though I am late)

It was a whirlwind of a day!
First job was to get out of bed!
Then get John up.
He was up all night with heartburn
And coughing like crazy.

Downstairs finally,
I had to pack the lunch basket
For our Sunday lunch at Valleyview.

Then last minute cleaning,
Table leaves inserted,
Folding tables set up,
Tighten the bolts on 2 chairs
why?? Anyway fixed.
Counters cleared for the potluck
And we are off to see Dad.

As soon as we are done lunch,
I have to hurry home
And get ready for my ladies
To start arriving for the first
Cricut Play Day of 2019.
(And potluck!)

Good morning from John Street


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