Feb 27th 2019

Oh yesterday was BEYOND
A bigger write off than expected!
Although a lovely lunch
Was greatly appreciated!

1) banking while car warms up DONE

Then went and picked up Mom
For her pre-op appointment.
Surgery date of March 7th.

2) University hospital for 8am DONE

But it took 5 hours!!!!!

3) lunch at a cousin's in London DONE

This is where it fell apart.
I drove Mom over to see Dad.
She was only popping in,
An hour later she came out!!!!

Got her home,
Grocery store,
And finally home at 5:30.
11 hours from the time I got up.

4) nap! NOPE Crohn's attack instead.

Comfy pjs and feet up

5) cat  - ear drops and flea drops NOPE

John slept until 9pm
And I needed 4 hands to do it.

6) Lysol wipe door knob\light switches NOPE

Truth? I forgot!

So #5 and #6
Before I attempt going or doing
Anything today at all.

Supper was chicken, rolls and coleslaw
(Otter had salmon)
And birthday cake.
Otter turned 3 yesterday.
Bed last night was more important
Than straightening the kitchen,
So #7 is dishes.

Supposed to be my day off
And a 10 to 6 LDO!!!!!!!!
But the weather is still iffy.
We are playing it by ear.

My plan either way involves a mass attack
On scrapbooking projects
So win win either way.
LDO or home.

Fish for supper tonight.
So it's time to start my day.

Good morning from John Street


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