February 18th 2019

It's snow nice to sleep in.

Was busy from the time I woke up
Until 8pm!
The whole day was at Valleyview.

Coffee, valentines lunch, scrapbooking,
Nascar, potluck supper
And a snowy drive home.

I am just laying here now
Trying to decide what today
Is going to include.

My brain is flipping through
About 400,000 ideas,
And yet none of them appeal to me.

The first job will be to
Straighten up all the mini messes
That occurred because I was
Too tired to do my nightly tidying.

The second will be cooking.
I am going to cook supper,
So I may as well prep a couple
Other casseroles or crock pots too.

The fact that it is family day
Means no shopping so I will
Be staying at home today.

The idea of laying around
Just reading a book intrigues me.
So I am going to try that for
A bit longer this morning.

Happy Family Day


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