February 17th 2019

Getting up yesterday
May have started the barrell
Rolling down hill.

I woke up in a funk,
Had brunch with a friend
Only to learn we were both funky,
Headed home to do chores
Where John thought he was fun-eee,

Got some big chores completed
(Like washing and rehabbing curtains!)
Then off to the Source
To argue about our phones...
Not fun-eee but I proved I was right
And got an apolo-geeee.

Home again to relax
And play some roller coaster tycoon,
Before it was time to go out.
I was read-eee for fajitas.

Sadly, this will have been
Our last Bella Jack's dinner.
Bad service, bad service
And average meal tonight
Was not worth the $$$$

Then it was off to the theater
To see Mousetrap.
Where by intermission
I had actually figured it out!!!!

Home again,
I finished my game
And headed for my warm cozy bed.

Today is very random.

It's Daytona 500 race day
And that usually means I am alone.
Instead this year,
We (well some of us)
are watching the race at Valleyview
While others of us
Will be playing cards or crafting
In the adjoining room.
Potluck lunch.... So should be a good day.

John is doing well without
His cigarettes, but this is tough
Because he associates
His beer with cigarettes.
So it may be a dry Nascar day for him!

Good morning from John Street


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