Sept 7th 2019

Party animal is not my title.

I was up by 9am
Dressed and basic house chores
Accomplished by 10.

Got the produce from the garden
All bagged and in freezer,
Boxed up some event items
And set up a large area
On the dining room table
To work on the 2019 Organizer posts...

6 hours later
And a massive headache to boot,
I stopped and prepped
Our Mexican meal
After downing some Tylenol.

John was up soon after that
And by 8pm I was yawning.
Not yet 100% but working on it.

Today is Saturday.
3pm is the hamburger bbq
And likely the last of the season's
BYOM bbq's for this year.

My goal is to finish typing the planner
And then grab a few groceries
After gassing up John's car.

Just have to set up the back yard...

Good morning from John Street


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