Sept 6th 2019

Yesterday was the last ugly o'clock alarm
For this week anyway...

Got dressed (with makeup),
Made the bed,
Emptied the dishwasher,
Folded then hung some laundry,
Answered a myriad of emails,
Froze my butt off warming up the car,
London for 8am.
Spent my infusion time
Getting the 2019 organizing site up,
Remicade finished after 10:30
And I headed to Giant Tiger
To do a return and
Buy some of our favourite burritos
For Friday night supper.

Stopped at Family Flowers
To price check fall mums
But the smaller ones won't be ready
Until next week.
Gas and a car wash,
And home into "bummy clothing",
Made some croquettes for lunch
And curled up in the reliner
To recover for the afternoon.

About 4pm
I made stuffed zuchinni
And an amazing sauce to go on it
And set up dinner to be cooked
When John got up.

At 9pm I headed up
Too tired to stay ,
Put away the folded laundry
And crashed for the night.

Well my self-imposed lock down
Due to the number of weird colds
Happening out there,
Limits what I can do today.

I am setting up my office
To do some serious editing
Of the 2019 planner and rethinking
The layout at the same time.

I " want" to put my craft room
Back in immaculate order too.

If I find the strength
I also "want" to move the craft event
Items out to its new storage area too.

As I mentioned,
Supper tonight is Mexican.
Burritos, Mexican fried rice
And (hopefully) deep fried cinnamon
Tortilla strips.

Good morning from John Street


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