Sept 3rd 2019

Yesterday was BUSY.

I was up at 8am.
John and I scrubbed our bedoom
Cleaned fans and downsized.
Reclaimed the upstairs tv room
And cleaned it too.
Downstairs we scrubbed the kitchen
Including cupboard fronts, counters
and appliances.
The tv is finally hung in the living room
And it got dusted.
At 2pm I released John
But downsized some magazines,
Created a seafood supper
And cleaned off the dining room table.
After supper we watched some tv
And were in bed by 9:30 reading.

Today is BUSY.

Book cart at Valleyview,
Some internet work for 2 Princesses,
A meeting about Frankenmuth,

A quick straighten up of everything
And I can get going.

Good morning from John Street


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