Sept 14th 2019

Well the Shannon pair
Lived through another
Friday the 13th unscathed.

Friday was waaaaay more sitting
Than running around.
9:30am already up and dressed
10am at the hall to put the soup in the fridge
10:30am sitting doing notes
11am sold flowers
11:30am sitting making lists
12pm grocery list\ads
12:30pm wrap a few raffle items
1pm make to do lists
1:30pm sit and lunch
2pm pack up 50 cent items
2:30pm print
3pm load van
3:30 short meeting
4pm unload van at hall
4:30pm go back for tool box
5pm drop off in Port
5:30pm sit for an hour
6:30pm grocery shopping
8:30pm drop off last groceries
Then I went to work!!!
Shred cheese, pick tomatoes,
Make more organizer sheets
And sign up sheets, precook pasta,
Precook potatoes, cut carrots
Cut watermelon and clean kitchen.
Fold laundry, make a few more signs,
Shower, go to bed...
Lay there making notes in my head.

I am up again at 7am
I have done my hair and got dressed
Relaxing while making a forgotten sign.

Good morning from John Street


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