SEpt 26th 2019

Yesterday went smoothly.

Went to Ldo to play for a bitn
Stopped for molasses
On the way home
So I could start baking.

Got the stuffed bird in the oven,
Made the brownies,
Made the gingerbread...
No pumpkin.
Back to the store to get some.
Make the pumpkin cake.
Clean the kitchen.
After that is was a matter
Of straightening the house
And setting up the table.
Got food set up,
Iced the cake squares
And sat down just
as people started arriving.

By midnight
The house was cleaned up,
Kitchen immaculate
after doing a load of dishes
And reloading after they were done,
Washed and hung a load of laundry,
Dining room back to normal,
Living room back too.

Today I go "sorta" see dad,
As his wing is still locked down,
Then relax.
Volunteer dinner tonight.
Then relax.

Good morning from John Street


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