August 19


A quick recap of the day:

Met Cruella after getting up
at a ridiculous time
and running through Epcot.

Epic fail getting to Magic Kingdom
-backwards on a monorail
-broken down monorail
-1 ferry not 2
- mass number of peeps
On buses

Finally made it to Magic Kingdom
For breakfast
And 119 degree weather.

Oh! And a duck landed
ON MY head!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight there was an epic
hurricane type storm,
My mother threw out another cannoli!!!!!

We may or may not have been
evicted from 1900 Park Fare.
None of us want our shoes
or bras on anymore!
Some ridiculous photos were taken.

It is muggy as hell here
And I am super tired.
To recap: one of us blew on a prince,
One of us sniffed coke,
One of us blew coke out our nose
Two of us is just drunk
and I have taken up snorting!
Ttfn from disney


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