Aug 2


What a day.

Started off with Dad
10am to 1:30pm.
I did coffee for Valleyview,
We had lunch,
He mapped out the best route
For us to drive down south.

Left there
And headed into London
To do some chores
That included:
Len's Mills, Michaels,
Dollar Tree and Dollarama
Running around to get last minute items.

I managed to pick up everything
That was on my list,
Then off to Remicade.

Weird reaction today.
IV in on first try,
But it was itchy the whole time
AND after the IV was removed.

I was also hot,
And had a pounding headache.
I was not really hot... I was sweaty!
I came home to grab my book
And head to book club.
I got changed,
And grabbed a sandwich...
Only to be soaked again -
Almost immediately.

I called book club
And advised them I was staying home.

John got me some ice cream.
I think ice cream
Is the ultimate feel better item.
Right Haylee???????
But all that cold,
Did not stop the sweating.

Hopefully a good night's sleep
And an early night (10:30)
Will make me feel better.

Good night from John Street


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