Aug 4


Well tired is tired.
I slept till 11am!!!!!

Decided that today,
I would be a productive member
Of St Thomas society.

With the morning pretty much over,
I spent the hour cleaning
Up my room and finding
A few missing odds and ends.

Hello to a sudden burst
Of energy I got!
Cleared the photos off my phone(s),
Cleaned the kitchen
(And promptly left it messy again)
Did 2 loads of laundry,
And folded 1.

The decided I would go make
The scraproom curtains.
I wanted princess-y and disney-ish
So I used a black satin
With red polka dot fabric
And made a balloon panel
And 2 floor length panels.

John hung 5 shelves
And we managed to get ALL
My disney scrap stuff put away.
With the power from the wall
Brought forward and off the floor.

Shutters were hung to hide
The under-stair storage area,
And my Disney welcome sign
Was hung on the door.
Lastly, I got the "Stock pile"
Of new albums put away
On top of one of the bookcases.

Hopefully tomorrow night
We can get the shelves mounted
Over the iris bins
And I can put away
all the black shoe box organizers too.

Taking Dad out all day tomorrow.
So sleep is next
On the to do list.

Good night from John Street


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