May 5th 2021

I kept waking up last night
With more and more
Ideas for the big 2 princess
And a Tiara summer event!

Not much sleep for sure.

I dragged myself up
And made myself get moving
Around 10am.

Off to Port Burwell
For a curbside pick up,
Then Port Stanley
For a curbside drop off.
A quick "fresh veggie" pick up 
And then home again.

I spent the afternoon
Graphing out the basic event
And working on details.
My partner was busy
Locating visual cues.

Supper for cinquo de maio
Was tacos made with pizza
As the taco shell.
A definite do again.

The evening was spent making 
A few to do lists and locating
Items for upcoming events.

It was 9:30pm
And John was up...
I am barely awake and functioning
At this point today.

Time for bed.

Good night from John Street


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