May 30th 2021

I am staying up later at night
And seem to be waking up earlier,
Weird but true.

Up to straighten house
And "get ready" for the housekeeper.

John was outside playing already,
So I piddled away at jobs,
Like receiving the multi craft order,
Washing sheets and hanging on line
And straightening the front porch.

The job of the day was cleaning
The appliance cupboard
And downsizing what we kept.
I also got the Tupperware 
cupboard cleaned up!

The boys were happy to play
Outside in the dirt
And play with Uncle John 
In the man cave garage.

Pizza for supper
And cookbook talk.

John headed for bed
(Only to find it needed sheets!)
At 8:30!!!!
The boys wore him out.

I did some electronic work
And now it is almost midnight
And I am off to sleep.

Tomorrow is remicade
So, I need a last minute trip
To the grocery store.

Good night from John Street


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