May 10th 2021

Up and at em.

Things to accomplish,
Things to figure out,
Things to get done.

No boys today :(
So we went to grab John's car
From the dealership
That took his winter tires off
And put his pretty mags
Back on to his car.

He headed home,
I made a curbside pick up
For Mom from Lens 
And then to her house to
Give it to her
(And grab a couple cupcakes).

Off to the car wash
As my car was bombed
By a bunch of stupid birds.

A quick pick up of strawberries
As the ones I bought
Had already molded
And then home.

I needed some lunch.
Then I was off to my craft room.
I managed 13 pages
Before John decided it was dinner time.

Dinner tonight was bbq'd burgers
And spinach strawberry salad.
I liked the dressing so much 
I made a whole jar!!

The rest of the night
The cats took turns snuggling
Under the blanket with me
While watching tv.

These heavy eyelids
And burning eyes are just waiting
For John to get up
So I can take over the bed.

Good night from John Street


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