May 31st 2021

This month went by fast.
Nothing exciting today,
I had my remicade infusion.

I was up by 9, 
And watched boys
Play with dump trucks outside
For over 3 hours!!!!
I did a load of laundry 
While they played.

I left at 11:45 for North london, 
But did get my Jr mcchicken
- a remicade day treat -
Before IV and remicade 
Stupid Benadryl premed 
- slept the whole time!

 I made a quick 2 item stop at no frills 
Which came to $70+
Because of the sale items I found
Like whole chickens less that $6!

Talked to my partner in crime
Whil I drove home
And checked in with Mom.
Seen that Kilmer woman
Sitting in a ditch weeding and honked. 

Put away groceries when I got home
And then took a nap till 7.
I could not wake up.
So I got supper in bed
Rather than face the stairs.
Supper was leftovers 
And a yummy butter tart.

John got ready for work
For the first time in 9 days.
He checked to see if I had a fever
And off he went.

I made the bed 
and straightened the room.
Now I am back in it again.

Last day of May - written off.
Know I will enjoy having
THE WHOLE BED to myself tonight
***unless the cats say otherwise.

Good night from John Street


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