October 18th 2020

Wow, what a cold windy day.

Played a bit of show and tell
With my amazing Christmas gift finds,
Then got tink back to his house
And dropped off the car.
Pit stop at Shoppers for Coke.

Once we were home again
It was time to attack the prebought
Mound of gifts in the dining room.
I decided wrapping for me,
Is a fun job I like to do
Once the tree is up. 
So I boxed everything instead.
My gifts will all be square'd corners
Under the tree this year.

John was writing down all the gifts
AND making a pork roast dinner
Which was delicious.

Movie night finished the day off.

I have somehow bunged up my knee.
Tomorrow I will brace it 
And take it easier.
(Well as easy as I ever can)

Good night from John Street


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