October 15th 2020

Well, I woke up 
And went to  on trying
To BE completely awake...
It was not easy!

My first job was to find
20 canning jar lids.
Well, the ones at bfm
We're wide mouthed rings. Boo.

So off to Dollar #1, Dollar Tree
Where I found the lids
But not the rings.
Dollar #2 and Giant Tiger 
And Home Hardware.
No luck.

No apple sauce today.
So I came home
And stole the rings off my
Scrapbook embellishment jars.

By then it was 3pm.
So Apple sauce is a Friday job now.

I whipped up
An Italian meal for supper.
Manicotti, pasta and sauce
Garlic bread and salad.

I spent the evening working
On a homemade gift.
It sounded like a good idea
But it's going to be time consuming!

Which I suppose is the point
Of making a homemade gift.
The time we have to put in.

For now it's time
For me to hit the hay!

Good night from John Street


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