October 29th 2020

My whole system around here
Had taken a s kicking.

Nothing was being done
Unless absolutely necessary
And fall cooking stopped abruptly.


Thursday (until June)
Was my errand day.
It was donut day with dad,
So it was also banking day,
Gas day, grocery day...

Once I pulled out the pre-bought gifts
And started that, my morning routine,
New as it was,
Was disturbed by no longer having
The dining room table to myself.

The funeral on monday
Forced a deep clean on the weekend
Giving me back a clean
And organized house,
So I could start putting back systems
I did have in place.

After waking earlier yesterday
Than what I have been,
I got dressed and headed down
For morning routine.

I made a rather large errand list
And was out the door at 9:30.
16+ errands later
I was home again.

I found a few more
Of the small gifts I was searching for
And a new ankle brace... $60!!!!!
That was a shocker.

Once home and most of the shopping
Put away I crashed.
We watched half a movie
And then made pasta and sausage
To eat during the 2nd half.

The rest of the evening
John napped while I 
Did small chores and clean up.

Now he is off to work
And as per routine,
I am off to bed.

Good night from John Street


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