January 13th 2020

The birth of public radio broadcasting is credited to Lee de Forest who transmitted the world’s first public broadcast in New York City on January 13, 1910. This broadcast featured the voices of Enrico Caruso and other Metropolitan Opera stars. Members of the public and the press used earphones to listen to the broadcast in several locations throughout the city. This marked the beginning of what would become nearly universal wireless radio communication.

What a ridiculous 24 hours!

I went to bed last night
Slept until 9:30.

I got up,
Put on clean pjs
And moved to the recliner.

The most I did today was to:
One load of laundry
Eat and eat and eat and eat
Fix the Wi-Fi connection upstairs
And load the dishwasher.

Yup... I did nothing.
My voice is taking its time coming back.
I am still VERY hoarse
And it is still quite sore.

I have already been told
That I am to do the same tomorrow.
I think I may do a bit 
Of craft room straightening.
I am behind on the organizational
Challenges for craft spaces.
Sorry Pam.

Right now I am going to enjoy
A good night's sleep
ALONE (well as alone as I can be
With Captain Corky and Otter) in the bed.

Tomorrow is another day.

Good night from John Street


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