AUgust 19th 2019

What was I - supposed -
To accomplish yesterday?

I did go have lunch at Valleyview
We did get John's jeans
For the wedding
And as a bonus
Got the groceries too!
Pit stop for a new pair of shoes
(For john!)
Filled the gas tank
Grabbed the last items
For the flowers and favours
Made spaghetti sauce from scratch
Straightened the house
Set the table (yes!)
Made lasagna, chicken parm, salad,
Spaghetti and garlic bread
With coffee cake for dessert
Did a load of laundry
And was in bed by 10:30.

Today has a "wish list"
But currently that list is second
To me taking a nap!!!!!
Back to the blankets for me.

Unless john is making breakfast...

Good morning from John Street


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