August 11th 2019

Happy Sunday.

I slept in yesterday
Like 10;30am slept in.
The meds have kicked in
And I feel so much better.

My to do list got scratched
Off pretty heavily friday
So I was surprised by all
Of the stuff I found needing
To get done yesterday!

Saturday completions:

Clean craft room - Deb
Buy pop for John - Deb
Slept till 4 - John
Make 4 boutinierres - Deb
Smoke a pork roast - John
Fill pop fridge and clean - Deb
Wash a load and fold a load of laundry - Deb
Cat meds - Deb
Make 8 bandana headbands- Deb
Detail inside of car - John
Clear dining room table - Deb
Box/Bag wedding flowers - Deb
Build blue light stand - John
Pick up Tupperware - Deb
Buy shoes and hair accessories - Deb
Find authors requested for Valleyview - Deb
Clean out purse and remove everything unnecessary for the trip - Deb
Hem a pair of pants - Deb
Mow lawn - John
Make 4 stencils for John - Deb
Make supper out of leftovers - Deb
Pack sunday lunch - Deb
Change Epicure party date - Deb

I crashed hard at 10pm.
My eyes were burning
And I fell into bed.

That really only leaves
Packing and sleeping today.

Good morning from John Street


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