August 22nd 2019

Chisholm not feeling well
Has grown old FAST!

A successful morning
Delivering 15 cases of water,
Getting to LDO on time,
Making 4 full length tutus,
Buying stock for the Valleyview store,
Grabbing some groceries,
Home for an early bbq supper,
Then in bed and asleep by 7pm.
Slept right through the thunderstorm
And John leaving last night.
Did I mention I only slept
For 4 hours Monday night???

Today I need to conquer
This to do list.
I have no time for napping,
Or chilling on the sofa.

Start at Valleyview to do coffee,
Home to make a floral swag,
Finish the tutus and package
Everything up to deliver
In Lucan late this afternoon.
There is a LOT of straightening
Up to do around here,
But that can be tomorrow
If necessary so I get
Those specific chores done.

Good morning from John Street


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