July 31st 2019

And so ends July 2019.
How will you spend the last day?

Yesterday started
With book mobile at Valleyview
Which takes about 2 hours.

Home eat some lunch
And to do paperwork.
I did clean up a huge pile
Of notes, loose papers
And thoughts in my head
Which took 5 hours
Of typing and writing.

Off to my first meeting at 5pm,
A quick check in about
September's craft event.

Second meeting was about
Our upcoming tripe to
Kentucky and Tennessee.
We booked our white water
rafting excursion and confirmed
Our itinerary and plans.

Third meeting was about
Social media and our event.
Our Facebook page was opened,
And soon an internet site too!
All very exciting stuff.

Today LDO and then some
Serious sit down and linking
128 past crafters to our new page.

Then a real supper for John and I.

Good morning from John Street


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