July 1st 2019

Holiday monday
And John goes back to work.

Know what that means?
The bed all to myself,
Time with no one asking
"Whatcha doing?" ,
Less yard project work,
More peace and quiet,
No one asking
"Do you feel like...",
The kitchen will stay clean,
The cat will not be constantly
Scream to go out because he is,
No one asking
" where did you put...",
Fish gutting will not be
Happening in my yard,
Less smoking,
And a smaller grocery bill!!!!

It was fun having him around
And lots got done!
It's time for some normal again!

Today, he is finalizing
Some jobs he started
And cleaning his garage.

We are off to measure and plan out
Our newest "craft room" overhaul,
And move Mom's bed back
Into its place because she finished
Painting her room.

Spent the morning
making a shopping list to refill
John's garage supplies!
He is out of EVERYTHING.

Now off to enjoy the weather
Which currently is not too hot
And has a lovely breeze!

Good morning from John Street


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