Feb 18th 2021

What a day.

I spent the entire day
Attacking some messes
And projects that needed
A few final touches.

I did get
-The cricut area cleaned and organized
-the tool drawers all cleaned
(7 of them)
-the flowers all cleaned and homes
(Organized by colour)
-stickers and washi tape cleaned up
-sold off the last of the 50 cent stock
(16 bins emptied)
-pulled out all the Christmas I owned 
(to downsize)
-cleaned and organized my punch collection
(And border punches)
-cleaned the ribbon drawer
(Pre-cut the new stock in 26"+ lengths)

I also got some laundry done,
Kitchen clean
And prepped a meatloaf dinner.

Got all the pick ups
Organized in the front
For a bunch of people coming
In the next 24 hours.

A lot to post
For this weekend's craft event
I have prepped as much as I can.

Now it's just time to get some sleep.

Good night from john Street.


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