Feb 14th 2021


My V day started
When I finally woke up at 11am.

John gave my hair a scrub
And then conditioning.

We sat and chatted
Until it was time to head to mom's
For dinner and the NASCAR race.

Mom and I had
A nice afternoon
Sitting in her sunny craft room
While John watched the race -
Or what little he could
Before the rain in Florida started
And the race canceled.

While Mom made an amazing dinner
Of breaded pork chops, salad, 
Mashed potato, green beans,
Peas, carrots and garlic bread
With lemon cupcakes for dessert,
I gave Tink a mini hair cut.

A few fun gifts later
I set up a bonus event
For the 2PNT event.
John and I got her to sit down,
While we did the dishes 
And got the floor swept.

John gave up on the race ever
Coming back on today
So we packed up 
And sent a very tired Mom
Off to bed with Tink.

We came home,
Showered and got comfy,
Then turned on a movie.

Good night from John Street


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