Nov 11th 2020

Woke up stiff
After everything that happened
Found a couple scrapes and bruises
That I was unaware of too.

Decided to take the electric wheelchair
Down to dollarama as I needed
Wire to make bows.
Loaded up with a reusable bag
A charged phone and the cane jic.

Not a lot of problems,
Stopped at grocery store too
And then had an accident
(Yes another one)
With a recycling bin!

I leaned forward to move it 
Off the sidewalk 
And my jacket caught the controller
And rammed me into it!
Destroyed the box
And my right leg.

Glad I bought myself flowers.

Managed to get a load of laundry done
And homemade macaroni and cheese
For supper tonight.

Finished 16 Disney ornaments
And repaired an advent calendar.

Promptly fell asleep in my chair
After we finished dinner.
John cleaned the kitchen,
And headed to work.

Good night from the crash site
On John Street


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