Nov 16th 2020

I was up early
So mom was not alone 
With the contractors today.

While waiting for them to arrive,
And install the cupboards,
I taught her to use her new stamping tool
And she stamped the sentiment 
In each of her cards
And then the outside
Of each envelope too.
Signed and addressed them,
Got Christmas stamps on them
And then we got it all put away.

I framed another 2 pieces of art for her
And then we got serious.

The back deck got decorated,
The front step got decorated
And we got a few more things
Put away in her new cupboards.

At 4, john came and picked me up.
He got all the windows
In the living room painted today.
He was off for a nap
And I sat down to complete
An online order,
A sewing job
And build bows for an order.

Made baked spaghetti
For supper tonight,
Then received a delivery
Of auction items for Dec 5th.

Spent an hour with john
Watching tv
And now I need some sleep.

Good night from John Street


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