Nov 21st 2020


That describes when mom called.
Off to watch the backsplash
Get installed at the condo.

We made our "in London" list
Of to Dr's for our Sunday run
And tried to arrange
A substitute for some events
That will not be happening
Due to the level of covid in our area.

Mom has decided that monday
She is re-locking herself down
And after much consideration
I will be joining her Dec 2nd
After remicade.
I would do it immediately
But we have an auction to set up.
But it's all binned in the garage
So no in house stuff.

For now,
We have decided to play it super safe
And inside house visits
Are now over again.
It's not like no one knew
This was coming again
It's just sad that it has to.

So I will spend the week
Trying to make creative ways
To keep myself Christmas occupied
Instead of visits etc.

John and I got more of the house
Back to normal
And the living room baseboards
Are almost all painted.

Friends from waaaaaayyyyyy 
Up north made a surprise visit
So john got side tracked.

Now - bed.
Good night from John Street.


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