Nov 25th 2020

Hello 8am.....
But I pressed the snooze button
And slept till almost 10!

I decided I had a couple errands
And hubby is bullying me 
Into trying to drive again.
So I did.

Even with both ankles in braces,
The broken toe foot
Hurt less than the clutch foot
Which was only sprained!

I managed to do the bank,
Pick up groceries,
Pick up a package
And get home...
Before it hurt too much.

Hubby has been told, 
I will try again this weekend
But not before.

When I got home
It was time to organize
Groceries all away first

All wreaths were tagged and bagged.
The kitchen scrubbed 
and back to normal.

The dining room table uncluttered,
The back room straightened and swept.
Laundry got folded.
I even made stuffed peppers!!!!

We decided to relax tonight
And spaghetti was on the menu
With the stuffed peppers.

I wanted to do more
But my body said "no".

I am exhausted and ready for sleep.

Good night from john street


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