Nov 23rd 2020

I slept.
Apparently I was tired 
Because I was in bed for 12 hours.

I straightened up the bedroom
And headed downstairs
With the dark laundry.

Today I managed to
Do 3 loads,
Stopping only because 
I had no more hanging room!

I also spent a good portion 
Of today being creative.
I made 2 more swags
And 6 wreaths!
Half are already sold!

Made John chicken breasts
And egg noodles for supper.

Headed out for items to fill
Mom's advent calendar.
Almost have everything.

Managed to get the house 
as organized as it can be
In mid renovation...
But the living room is now ready
For the wallpaper, 
So I can soon smile
With a new finish after 23 years.
It was the first room we did 
When we bought the house.

John is off to work
And I am off to bed.

Good night from John Street


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