Nov 9th 2020

Today was like
An action movie without commercials.

Go go go

Arranged a private viewing in 
The Lambeth flower\christmas store
In 2 weeks and contacted
the pod people.

Got the information
For our cookie class coming up
And passed it on too.

The deck enclosure
For the winter was framed in.
We managed to get all the trees
That we own 
(more than any one house needs)
And decide which to keep.

We rewarded this effort 
With a pizza lunch.

Next job
Was to downsize garland.
Over half was re-designated
As exterior decor.

John headed off for a nap
And mom came
With a registration job
She needed done online.

I continued to clean,
Personalize more ornaments,
And make tree based decisions!

Around 6 the fridge was pulled out
So I could put away the village boxes
And clean the fridge.

John was off to help
Someone move a washer and dryer,
So I had a chili supper
And then tore apart the buffet and hutch
To put the good Christmas dishes
Inside instead of my good china 
And crystal items.

Happily it's all put away.
Tomorrow is another day,
So I will enjoy some candy cane
Viva puff cookies and say

Good night from John Street


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