Feb 2nd 2020

Are you currently fed up with a jerk? It's really very easy to continue in a dysfunctional relationship, which isn’t working, with somebody who’s – you probably know this – a little of bit of a jerk. Do something on Dump Your Jerk Day and decide to proceed with your existence, and also to find somebody new who’s a little better and less jerky.

What a day.
Up at 8:30am to make fresh suit dough.
My Sunday to make lunch.

All packed up and car cleared off,
We headed over to pick up
Mom and tink too.

John did coffee,
While I set up lunch,
Mom and Dad went to mass
And then 4 granddaughters arrived.

Dad started learning his iPad uses
And we will get that up and running
Slowly but surely.

John went for a nap
While I drove mom homem
To her surprise "someone"
 Had stopped by and built her
A couple snowmen and a snow angel!!!

Funnier still because she had just seen one
Around the corner and screamed
"Come build one at my house" .

Home again,
I got a rest while John
Brought totes to the basement
And cleared snow.

We spent the evening
Having supper with a movie.
Quiet, relaxing... nice.

Good night from John Street


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