Feb 20th 2020

February 20th – National Cherry Pie Day. If you love cherry pie, then you're in for a treat, because today is National Cherry Pie Day. Celebrated every year on February 20th, and coincidentally close to President's Day, cherries was one of President George Washington's favorite foods!


Not much to report.
Valleyview for 10am
To do coffee and
Still playing with the set up
On Dad's iPad.
Brought him a carrot muffin today.

Off to fill both cars with gas,
Unfortunately gas went up overnight
So instead of 98.1 I paid 110.4

Home just involved basic chores.
I need a shot of adrenaline
To get me going!
I am quite happy (??) being lazy
At least that's what I've done.

John slept right through supper time
And finally got up at 9pm.
So I seen him for a total
Of about 15 minutes today.

Tomorrow is already friday again!

Good night from John Street


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