March 2nd 2019

Happy 77th birthday Dad.

The Friday coffee ladies
All met at Valleyview
For a birthday coffee with Dad.
He was quite pleased
With all the attention
And black Forest cake too.

I managed to get
Even more than planned done
And in the process
Make more work for today!
I am multi talented!

First thing tomorrow
We are dropping off my poor car.
She is heaving  some facial surgery.
(Her windshield is cracked)

This afternoon,
Dad would like to have dinner
With Mom and then us join them
For dessert.and that's ok with John,
He is not a fan of Swiss Chalet anyway.

My whole day will be about
Organizing photos...
I have a huge pile
And do not know if
Have been scrapbooked, need to be,
Duplicates or ones from Mom.
So I have to check against albums...
And a lot I will be guessing at dates.

It's only 7:30
So I think I will read for a bit
Before starting today.
I have to have my car at the shop
For 10:30 so no rush to get started.

Good morning from John Street


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