March 20th 2019

Well 9:30pm
I forgot to post this morning.

Got Mom fed and set up
And disappeared to LDO
For our St Patrick's Day lunch
And 2nd swap of the year!

Amazing improvement and ideas
Across the board!
The so many cool ideas
And even more came out
when discussing the layout execution.

This was a questionable approach
To scrapbook swaps,
But ensuring EVERY kit
Has the minimum items of 2 borders,
A large piecing, 3 small piecings,
Ribbon, 2 sets of embellishment
And 1 piece of cardstock,
The outcome is amazing ideas!

If I never go to another pot luck,
I will be happy with the one we had today!

I came home and started
Working on the kits!
Supper suffered when I realized
Just how late it was.
So we had roast beef
and mashed potatoes tonight.

It is 10pm,
Mom is medicated, the kitchen is clean
And I am off to bed.

Good night from Vineden Drive


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