March 30th 2019

I am sure this month
Was short a whole week!
It's the end already...
And I spent it being late.
Like today, again.

So I popped out of MY OWN bed
At 9:30 this morning,
And knew the plan of attack.
Today was dedicated
To cleaning my house.
John "sort of" kept up.

So typing this now (12:30)
I have managed to:

I have so far:
Straightened the guitar room,
made my bed and cleaned up the bedroom,
got laundry downstairs, one started
and two waiting to go next.
all my clothes from the condo
Hung up and upstairs,
Music blasting,
Front porch 90 per cent cleaned up,
all John's tools (?) In back room
For moving back to garage,
living room straightened.
First load of laundry (sheets) hung to dry,
Blanket washed and hung to dry,
reds in machine now,
dishwasher loaded and started,
xl dishes washed,
stove torn apart cleaned (sos pad needed)
and it's back together,
counters scrubbed and emptied.
Caroline's instructions for organizing
Her craft room typed and sent.
John home and in bed,
fridge straightened,
Pop put away.

That leaves the mess of unhomed items
on the dining room table
And (ugh) the disaster
That is my craft room.

Dinner out with Mom and Dad at 3,
Teen sitting Haylee tonight,
And friends coming over.

Back to work!

Good afternoon from John Street


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