March 21st 2019

Thursday coffee at Valleyview.
Then I have to leave at 11
To run to the condo,
To get Mom to the doctor
For 11:30 to have
Her staples removed,
She has decided afterwards
She wants to go see Dad.

See Debbie
See Debbie run.
Run Debbie run!!!!!!

The rest of the day
I wil be putting her craft room
All back together.

The filing cabinet finally arrived
So it has to be built,
Filling shelves
While she is writing
All the labeling I need.

Her project tomorrow will be
to go through her "patterns"
And decide - go, keep, or wth???

It is already 9:30,
I have cleaned my room,
Did a load of laundry,
Fed both of us and
Made a to do list for while I am out!

Off I go

Good morning from Vineden Drive


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