
February 16th 2016

Weird how one Lenten promise
ripples into more.
I gave up Facebook 
from 8pm until 10am,
so unless I am watching a movie,
I also gave up the computer!

I spent most of the day 
successfully working 
on a baby shower gift.
The evening I spent 
ordering 400 photos 
because they were finally 10 cents.

Judy has decided to be a part
of her birth mother's 
cancer treatment,
so she was out last night
helping Christine 
prep for surgery tomorrow morning.
The beginning of a long hard road.

John is being sent to nap before work,
and I think I will join him!
I am cold and can't stop yawning.

26.  Games with missing pieces

27.  Dried up nail polish bottles

28. Video games you’ll never play again

29.  baby items (Car seats, cribs, etc.)

30.  Jewelry you don’t wear

Good night from John Street


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