Jan 27th 2021

What a mishmash of a day!

I felt like a puppy chasing its tail!
You know the kind of day
when you start one thing 
But while doing it
Get side tracked in another direction.
That direction runs you smack dab 
Into a project you forgot about
But now feel you should finish...
Leaving the first 2 or 3 jobs
Half done and waiting.
Then the phone rings
Or you get a text
And you are side tracked again.

That was today.

I did get laundry done,
I did get kitchen clean
After making breakfast 
For both of us this morning.

Set myself up to scrapbook some titles,
Side tracked picking up the album's,
Making deliveries, banking
And getting gas,
Only to come home and work on
The February menu plan,
Which in turn needed 
A grocery list.

John made supper
And we watched tv.

And now it's 11pm
And the scrapbooking titles
Are a new chore for tomorrow!

Good night from John Street


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