Jan 5th 2021

Today I had an idea
A brilliant idea.
An idea I have had for many years
But never had the nerve.

John and I had a talk,
Being locked down in the pandemic
And being advised that I need 
To start being careful 
2 of the 4 weeks after Remicade
Is a new opportunity.

I am going to spend 
ALL of 2021 decorating my house!
I do not think
I have ever ever had every decoration
I own out and used!
Every tree, wreath and linen.
Well hello 2021.

I have always wanted to be a part
Of the Rotary Tour of Homes.
Not necessarily have people
Come through but I would
Love to be nominated.

John is on board
As long as the last areas to be done
Are the guitar room and the garage.

I would like to focus
My love all of things Christmas
Into my decorating 
And spend this year enjoying
More than 2 weeks of the decor!

I want to spend 2021
Trying new recipes,
Baking cookies and desserts
And enjoying more
Of the things I love about Christmas.

I am excited about this project.
I am thrilled about the whole idea.

Now my days will be filled
With holiday prep.

Good night from John Street


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