Jan 6th 2021

So today I am trying out
Some things I have learned
And I am implementing them slowly 
Into my life skills and daily plans.

I learnt that every decision you make
From the moment you wake up,
Exhausts you slowly.
So before bed I am making a few decisions
Easily made the night before.

What to wear,
Which load of laundry needs to get done,
What is for supper,
What chores need to be accomplished,
Basic plans and general clean up ideas.

I learnt that I like others,
Look at something and say "I should"
Or I add it to a lit of to do items.
I should just DO IT.
So, when I seen the sun shining at lunch
Instead of thinking "I should go enjoy it"
 I went and picked up mom and tink
And headed to the dog park
For some fresh air!

Life is organized with lists
But lived in the moment.

I came home and made and Italian bake,
Salad, garlic bites and prepped
The chicken parm from the freezer.
Then I whipped up some
Pumpkin bread cookies.
Super soft yummy treats
Half with raisins and half with walnuts.

I did get a bunch of items
Scratched off the to do list
And some general chores too
But I did have some fun today as well.
I managed to get a few
Decorating chores completed (yay).

Now it's 9pm
And time to shut things down for the night.

Good night from John Street


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