April 23rd 2019 the reboot


I woke up feeling "blech" .

I decided once I came down
To consider how grateful I should be
And how many jelly beans
I eat too fast and do not savour.

I got busy instead of turning on the tv.
This was AFTER I snapped at John
Angrier than he deserved.
**sometimes you can watch yourself
Do something and even your jaw drops.

I went in to be "grateful" for my
Beautiful, amazing, awesome
Craft room that I take for granted
And ate a jelly bean!

I went in to be "grateful"
For a main floor bathroom
Cleaned it and folded the laundry
I can wash at home without issues
And ate a jelly bean!

I went in to be "grateful" for all the leftovers
From a wonderful Easter dinner
And proceeded to divide, freeze
And share what was there.
How lucky to be able to afford it
And ate a bunch of stuffing!

I went in to be "grateful" for my living room
And dining room filled with loved
Possessions and comfy furniture.
I lit my candles
And ate a jelly bean!

I went to my computer to be "grateful"
That I have friends I can talk to
And people who want to be a part
Of my life and love me
And ate a jelly bean!

I went in and was "grateful"
To be able to make my husband supper.
No leftovers, a roast beef dinner.
I often forget how lucky I am to have him
And that we are still together
Despite all of both our faults
And ate a jelly bean!

I went in to be "grateful"
That I have a dishwasher to help
Ease my clean ups.
Some possessions are not taken for granted
And ate a jelly bean!

In a new frame of mind...

Grateful from John Street


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