April 13th 2019

Was yesterday a success?
6 goals...
1) cake for auction - success
I think it looked awesome
2) coffee at Mom's - late but good
Lots of chatter and Spicer's donuts!
3) fix my car - couldn't reach them
Will try again tomorrow
4) chicken dinner - no! Shepherds pie
I was running late all day
and it was in freezer
5) mom's date night with dad - got her there
On time even if running late
6) door windows windexed - nope
Just never happened
7) spent day with friend - success
And big plans faced head on!
8 ) house straightend - success
Dishes done, laundry folded, guitar room
Organized (storing bathroom items in there
During the renovation)
9) discuss some plans with John - well...
As much as I could in his current
Mood swinging personality
10) relax for the evening - success
Pjs by 6pm and curled  on the sofa

The average was in my favour
So I claim success.

I have been battling a crohn's attack
All week long. It's frustrating me
As it is not debilitating, not so much
Painful as irritating and problematic.

Today is Kitchener's Scrapfest
And I was supposed to go.
Here it is 9am and I am STILL
Not sure if I am well enough
To drive that far for the day!

So alas!
I cannot tell you what my plans
And goals are....

John is going to play motorcycle
Mechanic today....

More on what transpires tomorrow!

Good morning from John Street


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