July 27th 2017

You may have noticed 
that my life is a series of TO DO lists.
Even on my "days off"
I seem to find a way to find
jobs to do or things to accomplish.

Today was no exception.
John's 50th birthday party is on Saturday.
We never know just how many people
will show up or what the weather is going to be
when we have these back yard parties.

This one however also includes
the reveal of John's man cave,
which is completely finished....
down to ensuring the bar has
Jack Daniels
Jim Beam
Johnny Walker
and Jose Cuervo.

I sat quietly last night
and wrote a list.... well actually about 6 lists.
1 for each store I needed to hit....
This morning I added chores to these.
In the end,
there wasn't much hope of me actually
being able to accomplish the:
visit with Dad today (I brought frostys)
wash dry and fold 2 loads of towels
20+ items needing to be found
(in the end having to go to London)
10+ chores needing to be done
(including washing vehicles (2))
groceries for party
AND then put all of it away!
I also helped do some of the weeding
and cleaning up in the back yard
and figured out supper.

John was great,
he has the back yard mowed,
the side gardens weeded and composted
and he cooked supper.

I am thoroughly exhausted.
Totally pooped.
Thrilled at having it all done.

and I have started my list for tomorrow.

 Good night from John Street


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